
Come along on June 23rd at the Middlesbrough Sports Village and try your hand at lots of new sports – all FREE

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The Rotary Model Railway Exhibition held on Saturday 23 March, organised by the newly formed Rotary Club of Great Aycliffe, was a huge success with well over 500 visitors. From as far away as Edinburgh and Wolverhampton. at the Newton Aycliffe Youth and Community Centre in Burn Lane.

The 23 working layouts, in a wide variety of scales, attracted a lot of interest, especially “Thomas the Tank Engine” for the young children and “Dorlington” with it’s cameos from film, television and real life, for the big kids,

The 10 trade stands did good business selling new, “pre-loved” and all those little bits that are so hard to find.

Winner of the John H Jones Memorial Trophy, voted for by the exhibitors, was “Foxton Town” from the Foxton family.

Kevin and Maggie Smith, from Whitby, won the Hardaker Memorial Trophy, voted for by the visitors, for their “Sandy Bay” layout.

The Edwina Burrows Memorial Trophy, where the winner is the personal choice of Club President Geoff Knapton, was “Penna Lane” by Colin Batchelor.

Rotary Great Aycliffe would like to thank Great Aycliffe and middridge area Action Partnership, the Great Aycliffe Town Council and our partner organisation Shildon Model Railway Club without whom the event would not have taken place.

John Burrows – Event Manager  28/3/24

Click here to listen to the interview

President Geoff Knapton is pictured with Melissa Longstaff, manageress of Aldi, Newton Aycliffe presenting her with a certificate of appreciation in recognition of Aldi’s support of the Great Aycliffe Rotary Club last Christmas in allowing the club to collect in store to raise funds for much needed local and Rotary causes.

Many thanks go out to Melissa and her fabulous staff for helping to make the collection a fun and enjoyable time for all from all who participated and we look forward to working together in the future

President Jean Thompson of Rotary Newton Aycliffe and President Geoff Knapton of Rotary Great Aycliffe paying their respects together as one. Sunday 12th November 2023

Tuesday the 7th November marked the beginning of a new era with the presentation of the official chain of office to President Geoff Knapton, the first President of the Newly Chartered Rotary Club of Great Aycliffe.

A fun evening with laughter and cheer was had along with finalisation of forthcoming fundraising events including our Christmas collection at Aldi which is being well supported by club members plus Shildon Model Railway Club who will be bringing along an Elf, a Snowman and a mini Santa Claus to help raise funds

From little acorns etc.. Rotary members and friends gathered for our special night

Rotary Great Aycliffe is Chartered

25th September saw our President, Geoff Knapton, receive our official charter from Steve Rose our District Governor and member of Darlington Rotary Club


We unite across faiths, cultures and backgrounds to remember the service and sacrifice of the Armed Forces community from United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. We will remember them.

Everyone is free to remember in their own way, or to choose not to remember at all.

Extract taken from the Royal British Legion Website, click the poppy to read more